Vaseline Removal

Vaseline Removal

In pursuit of penis enlargement, some individuals have resorted to the injection of substances like Vaseline or paraffin into the penis using a syringe.

However, this practice can lead to undesirable consequences, including inflammatory reactions and subsequent side effects such as skin necrosis, complications, and even the development of tumors. In such cases, the need for prompt removal of the foreign object becomes evident.

Why You Need Vaseline Removal Surgery?

Damage to Sexual Function

 Injected Vaseline or paraffin intended for penis enlargement may impair sexual function, even if it temporarily enhances size. 

Inflammatory Reaction

 due to the nature of Vaseline, it can penetrate between tissues, causing inflammation and discomfort. 

Skin Necrosis

 if left untreated, the inflammatory reaction can progress to skin necrosis, necessitating skin removal. 

Complications Such as Tumors

 This vaccination is administered for gonorrhea prevention, and it can also be given to individuals with existing gonorrhea to reduce recurrence rates. 

Types of Vaseline Removal Surgery

General Removal Surgery

This approach is suitable when the condition is not severe, the injected amount is small, and the area for removal is limited. Vaseline is simply removed, and the incision is sutured. However, it is only feasible when there is ample spare skin.

Skin Grafting

In contrast to general removal surgery, skin grafting is performed when a significant amount of Vaseline needs removal, and a considerable amount of skin has been affected, necessitating skin grafting.

Augmentation After Removal

Removal of Vaseline may result in a reduction in penis size due to the affected area. In cases with minimal inflammation, this surgical method can help maintain or even increase size by inserting enlargement materials into the area previously filled with Vaseline.

Please Note the Following Precautions for Vaseline Removal Surgery